Tuesday, October 27, 2009

H is for Histats

HistatsHistats.com has a traffic analysis tool that I have used for a long time to monitor the traffic on my website: darkbluesun.com. I kept it because it gives the option to add code to my site and it produces this cute little button on my page that shows the world how much traffic I have had.

How many visitors:
darkbluesun.com visitors
how many page views:
darkbluesun.com views

You can reset these numbers back to zero at any time.

Google Analytics Preview

Google Analytics

Like Histats, Google Analytics records:
  1. Daily Stats
  2. Number of Visitors
  3. Location of Visitors (Country)
  4. Traffic Sources
  • Direct Traffic - they typed in your URL in their web browser.
  • Search Engines - they did a search for something and you were the chosen result.
  • Other Site - social network profile, backlinks.

  • * I also attended the webinar Advanced Marketing Analytics (AZ501) at Inbound Marketing University Professor: Avinash Kaushik of Google and author of Web Analytics 2.0. Visit Avinash's blog for more in depth info on how to really measure your website's effectiveness.

    You'll definitely need to get one of these traffic tools for your website! If you don’t have a website yet, stay tuned for the "W is for website". Our web presence is the virtual equivalent of our first impression. It’s how we tell our stories, sell our stuff, share our info and offer contact info to our new clients. It's best to plan it thoroughly! So, if you haven’t already, start thinking up a unique and memorable name. This could also be your business name that you were thinking up earlier. You can go online and buy a url at godaddy.com or networksolutions.com. When you register your domain, find out if your registrar has a free traffic monitoring tools (e.g. godaddy analytics )

    * Beware of some of those super cheap domain registration providers! You may be registering your site without actually getting rights to it! There are lots of resellers out there who basically charge you like 4.99 a month to register and host your site through them, but you are not the actual owner. It's like lease a site. Sure it's cheap now, but when you want to purchase the site when your business is established you'll end up paying a much higher price.

    How many people are clicking on your shared links?

    You can also monitor traffic from shortened urls. The following excerpt is from: URL Shorteners

    The reason why bit.ly is my favorite URL shortener: I can log in and see the traffic for each my shortened links. I use twitterfeed to automatically change my blog post URLs to bit.ly addresses for twitter updates (because of the 140 character rule). When I log into bit.ly I can see how much traffic my blog posts are getting from twitter!


    * Make sure you create an account and sign in to bit.ly before you shorten any links you want to track.